Air Traffic Management (ATM)
To ensure safe and efficient air traffic management, ICAO has developed a global air traffic management operational concept (GATMOC) illustrating the vision of an integrated, harmonized and globally interoperable ATM system to achieve by the year 2025 and beyond.
To this end, ICAO has made available to states the global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) and called for regional coordination for activities related to aviation operations.
Concepts and programs developed by international bodies are expected to have an impact on airspace organization. The AEFMP states will follow and coordinate the planning of the implementation of these programs to optimize airspace capacity within AEFMP area.
The AEFMP shall support adjacent ACCs, ensuring a coherent airspace structure, reducing the coordination workload.
Reduction of separation:
The AEFMP shall encourage the actions allowing the reduction of lateral, longitudinal and vertical separation when relevant.
Functional Airspace Blocks:
The AEFMP will ensure operational coordination between SW FAB and FABEC, and between them and neighbouring States (Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia).
Flexible Use of Airspace (FUA):
The AEFMP will promote the harmonization of the implementation of Flexible Use of Airspace concept (civil and military).
Air Traffic Flow Management:
The AEFMP shall continuously monitor the traffic and assess delays in AEFMP area, analyze the origins and follow forecasts on traffic evolution, in order to be on position of elaborating proposals to minimize delays. It will also regularly update the ANSP crisis management directory, to be used in real time by ACCs on-duty managers.
Aeronautical Information:
The information management resources and processes established by aeronautical information services of AEFMP shall be adequate to ensure the timely connection, processing, storage, integration, exchange and delivery of aeronautical data with required quality to provide aeronautical information within ATM system. The AEFMP shall support harmonization of such provision within the AEFMP area and transition from AIS to AIM concept.
Performance Based Navigation:
The AEFMP shall monitor the implementation of RNAV and RNP routes and approach procedures in accordance with the ICAO PBN concept. The AEFMP shall encourage any action in support of the development of this concept.